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Returning Kiwi looking for a job in NZ?

Check out these handy tips, templates and resources to secure the job you need. And if you're coming back from the UK, we can help you transfer your UK pension closer to home.
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If you’re a Kiwi returning to your home country after a stint overseas, you may be looking forward to getting back in the workforce.

Now, depending on how long you’ve been away, the job hunt may be different from what you’re used to – or perhaps, you just need a refresher of the basics. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

What job opportunities are available?

Job opportunities vary by region, so it’s a good idea to find out what job positions are on offer and where.

If you’re planning to move to a particular area, are your skills and qualifications in demand over there? If not, are you prepared for a career change? What kind of training would you need to be successful in a new role?

Of course, if you haven’t set your mind on a destination yet, New Zealand may be your oyster. A good place to start is the ‘Skill shortage list checker’ tool provided by Immigration NZ, which allows you to check where certain skilled workers are required to fill in the gaps.

For more information, you can also try’s Job Database, a handy tool designed to help people discover their career possibilities and explore the New Zealand job market.

Where to find job listings

Ready to kick off the job hunt? There are many job posting websites in New Zealand, including (but not limited to):

Alternatively, you can go straight to the source by looking at regional job vacancy and recruitment websites. You can find a list here.

Is your CV up to date?

Experts at recommend having a short CV of maximum two-to-three pages, focusing on your work experience as well as detailing how and when you used your skills in the past.

Also, don’t forget to include current contact details of former employers and co-workers as references. This will give a prospective employer a good picture of who you are as a direct report and colleague.

Check out these handy tips and industry-specific templates from to make sure your resumé stand out from the crowd, or create your CV from scratch with this free CV builder.

The importance of the cover letter

Some companies require you to send a cover letter, briefly explaining how you’re qualified for the open position and what your overall expectations for the role are.

While a cover letter isn’t always solicited by employers, it’s a good idea to include it in your application anyway. According to job listing website Indeed, it gives you an opportunity to elaborate on your story ahead of the interview. Plus, displaying your personality helps build a relationship with your prospective employer.

Not sure where to start? Check out helpful templates and tips.

Prepare for the interview

Job interviews can be intimidating for a lot of people, especially if you don’t feel you have all the information you need.

A good way to start is to learn as much as possible about the company. Look at their website (if they have one) and social media, and write down some questions or comments you’d like to make during the interview.

Also, think about what the employer may ask you, including questions about your past experiences, skills and qualifications.

According to, the majority of job interviews in New Zealand are behavioural-based, so questions are likely to focus on how you behaved in previous work situations. Here are some tips for answering common interview questions, including how to address a gap in your CV.

And of course, first impressions count: arrive on time (if not a little early), dress neatly, have a positive attitude, speak clearly, and listen carefully.

Lastly, patience and perseverance are keys. Depending on the job market, it may take a while before you get an offer that’s right for you. The important thing is to be prepared, be flexible and have an optimistic mindset.

Coming back from the UK? Consider a UK pension transfer

If you’re returning to New Zealand from the UK, you may want to consider transferring your UK pension money closer to your new home.

At Pension Transfers, over the past 20-plus years, we’ve been helping thousands of people like you with their UK pension transfer process – from understanding if a transfer is right for you through to choosing an appropriate QROPS fund to invest in.

Click here to learn more, or request your free comprehensive report today, detailing benefits, risks, QROPS recommendations, and more.

Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current development or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.
