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Finding happiness abroad: Why UK expats are drawn to New Zealand

Have you ever wondered what the happiest places on Earth are, and how they relate to British expats' chosen destinations? The 2023 World Happiness Report unveils some intriguing results*.
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Seeking happiness in top expat destinations

In a world shaken by natural disasters, political unrest, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, happiness has become a sought-after commodity. But when comparing the happiness rankings of countries with the number of British expats living in them, some interesting patterns emerge.

For instance, Finland – deemed the happiest nation for the sixth year in a row – ranks only 69th as a destination for UK expats. All Scandinavian countries, consistently placing among the top 10 happiest countries in the world, don’t even appear in the top 30 UK expat destinations.

In fact, as the following table shows, while some of the top UK expat destinations rank relatively high in happiness, many others don’t – which suggests that happiness is not the primary factor influencing UK expats’ decisions when selecting a new home. 

Is New Zealand the ideal destination for UK expats?

New Zealand emerges as a unique destination, claiming the 10th spot in happiness and 6th in popularity among UK expats. The country's spectacular landscapes, laid-back lifestyle, and robust economy create an enticing blend of factors, alongside quality healthcare and education, a relatively low crime rate, and mild climate.

Of course, we all know that the perfect place doesn’t exist. The cost of living in New Zealand can be steep, especially in major cities like Auckland and Wellington. Plus, the distance from the UK might be a drawback for those wishing to maintain close connections with family and friends back home. But the rewards of living in a happy and thriving country often outweigh these challenges, making it a desirable destination for anyone seeking an active, healthy way of life.

Happiness – it’s a personal journey

The pursuit of happiness might be universal, but each individual's path is unique. Looking at the happiness rankings, British expats seem to prioritise factors other than ‘happiness’ when choosing their new homes – like career opportunities, good climate, work-life balance, and ‘value for money’. However, for those seeking a harmonious blend of all, New Zealand presents a compelling case.

If you're a UK citizen considering a move to New Zealand or have recently relocated, our team at Pension Transfers are here to help. We can guide you through the process of transferring your UK pension, ensuring it aligns with your circumstances and long-term goals.

Don't hesitate to get in touch – we're here to make your journey to happiness in New Zealand as smooth as possible.



The United Nations gathers data from 138 out of the 193 UN member states, asking 1,000 individuals questions about their safety, perception of Government corruption, and overall life satisfaction. Then, analysts process this data and develop a score.


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